2011 Homilies

PDF Icon Cycle A Readings: 2010-2011

Date Speaker Feast Topic
PlayDecember 18 Fr. Lawrence 4th Advent The Annunciation. But in a different context. In Jesus, God kept his covenant – he restored the kingship in David’s line forever.
PlayDecember 11 Fr. Lawrence 3rd Advent Gaudete Sunday. John the Baptist calls us to be inspired. Check out the statue of him and the one of Elizabeth in the sculpture garden at the Baltimore Museum of Art. Rejoice! And be inspired.
PlayDecember 4 Fr. Lawrence 2nd Advent The first reading is the 44th Chapter of Isaiah – after the captivity. The prophecy refers to John who refers to Christ. The valleys WILL be made smooth and the crooked paths WILL be made straight – in the fullness of time.
PlayNovember 27 Fr. Lawrence 1st Advent The first Sunday of the new liturgical year – the year of Mark. It is also the first Sunday of the new translation of the mass texts – which are inconvenient but make us think. Definitely not the best thing since sliced bread or the end of the world. Something to think about as we prepare for the coming of the Lord.
PlayNovember 20 Fr. Lawrence 34rd Ordinary In today’s gospel, Jesus give us a heads up as to what will be on the final exam. “I was hungry and you gave me to drink. Naked and you clothed me. Imprisoned and you visited me.” That’s what’s on the FINAL exam.
PlayNovember13 Fr. Lawrence 33rd Ordinary Matthew. The parabel of the talents. What do you make of it? It’s worth reading again – Matt 25:14-30.
PlayNovember 6 Fr. Lawrence Day of the Dead Today we remember the entire Communion of Saints – the great saints, as well as our parents, grandparents, friends, and in same cases, our children. We pray to them and for them and with them. We remember everyone, including ourselves.
PlayOctober 30 Fr. Lawrence 31th Ordinary Matthew – putting words in Jesus’ mouth to bolster his position in the early church. “The scribes and Pharasees are the “bad guys” Maybe not. Maybe it’s not an either/or situation.
PlayOctober 23 Fr. Lawrence 30th Ordinary Matthew. “Love God with your whole heart, with your whole soul, and with your whole mind. The second is like it, love thy neighbor as thy self.” Jesus’ words. To us.
PlayOctober 16 Fr. Lawrence 29th Ordinary Matthew. “Give to Caesar what belongs to Caesar and to God what belongs to God.” And lets keep our priorities straight…
PlayOctober 9 Fr. Lawrence 28th Ordinary Matthew. The parable of the King and the wedding feast. God (freely) invites us in – but we must do something with the invitation (i.e. put on a wedding garment) lest we too be cast outside.
PlayOctober 2 Fr. Lawrence 27th Ordinary Matthew. The parable of the vineyard and the tenant farmers who did not give the landlord his due – and killed his son. Layers on layers on layers – which we must wrestle with.
PlaySeptember 18 Fr. Lawrence 25th Ordinary Matthew. The parable of the master & the workers in the vinyard (“To each he gave the usual daily wage”). This shows us that our God is overwhelmingly compassionate – as an example to us.
PlaySeptember 11 Fr. Lawrence 24th Ordinary The end of Matthew’s Sermon on the Church. The Parable of the unforgiving servant. Jesus says, “Forgive 77 times.” God’s forgiveness is infinite. Should yours be parsimonious?
PlaySeptember 4 Fr. Daniel Hendricks, JS 23rd Ordinary “Whatever you bind in on earth shall of bound in heaven.” God wants reconciliation. God wants us to be the reconcilers.
PlayAugust 21 Fr. Lawrence 21st Ordinary A continuation of Matthew. “But you – whom do you say I am” The way we answer depends on our image of Christ and is probably true – to some extend – as long as we understand that no image is satisfactory. No image can capture the totality of God.
PlayAugust 14 Fr. Lawrence 20th Ordinary The story of the Cannanite woman whose daughter is possessed. “For even the dogs eat the scraps that fall from the master’s table.” “OOhh, woman. You have great faith>” Jesus overcame the prejudices of his people and his time to see the faith of this unlikely woman.
PlayAugust 7 Fr. Lawrence 19th Ordinary After each time the story of the multiplication of the loaves and fishes is told in the gospels, a sea story follows. This is the story of Peter (the rock) sinking like a stone – because he looked around rather than keeping his eye on the prize (the Lord). His cry “Save me,Lord” saved him as the Lord pulled him into the boat.
PlayJuly 31 Fr. Lawrence 18th Ordinary The Story of the Loaves and Fishes. It’s told 6 times in the 4 gospels. Which means it was important to the gospel writers. It should be important to us.
PlayJuly 24 Fr. Lawrence 17th Ordinary 3rd Summer Series The Book of Wisdom. The Jewish world in Alexandria in the 1st century before Christ trying to come to grips with Greek philsophy and Egyptian relgion.
PlayJuly 17 Fr. Lawrence 16th Ordinary 2st Apocrypha The Book of Tobit. A wonderful bedtime story – from which you might even learn something.
PlayJuly 10 Fr. Lawrence 15th Ordinary 1st Apocrypha 1st Macabee. A short history of rejection/assimulation.
PlayJuly 3 Fr. Lawrence 14th Ordinary Matthew 11:25-30. The core of Matthews gospel. “Take my yoke for my buden is light.”
PlayJune 26 Fr. Lawrence Corpus Christi This is the last of the “add on” feasts before returning to ordinary time.
PlayJune 19 Fr. Lawrence Trinity Sunday The Trinity, which is infinite, is beyond human words, which are finite.
PlayJune 12 Fr. Lawrence Pentecost The “official” end of our Easter celebration (which will go on for at least two more Sundays).
PlayJune 5 Fr. Lawrence Ascension This feast, Ascension, is not literal; but it is very real.
PlayMay 29 Fr. Lawrence 5th Easter John 17 – the conclusion of Jesus’ prayer at the last supper. John takes a “longer view” than the synoptics.
PlayMay 22 Fr. Lawrence 4th Easter John Chapters 14-17. Savor them via lectio divino. “I am the Way, the Truth, and the Light.”
PlayMay 15 Fr. Lawrence 3rd Easter The paradox – if Jesus was the Messiah, how could God let him be crucified. If he wasn’t, how could God raise him up?
PlayMay 8 Fr. Lawrence 2nd Easter On the road to Eamus – they recognized him “In the breaking of bread…”
PlayEaster Fr. Lawrence Easter “Alleluia! He is Risen!”
PlayHoly Thursday Fr. Lawrence Holy Thurday Jesus’ Kenosis is our Theosis
PlayApril 17 Fr. Lawrence Palm Sunday From joy to sorrow – the passion according to Matthew
PlayApril 10 Fr. Lawrence 5th Lent At the tomb – Jesus says “If you believe in me you will have everlasting life…”
PlayApril 3 Fr. Lawrence 4th Lent In the dark – Jesus cures the man born blind – and challenges us to “see.”
PlayMarch 27 Fr. Lawrence 3rd Lent At the well – Jesus promises “living water” to the Samaritan women – and to us.
PlayMarch 20 Fr. Lawrence 2nd Lent On the mountain – Jesus is “transfigured.”
PlayMarch 13 Fr. Lawrence 1st Lent In the desert – stay focused on “reality”
PlayMarch 9 Fr. Lawrence Ash Wednesday Lent is a time to get spiritually in shape.
PlayFebruary 27 Fr. Lawrence 6th Sermon on the Mount Our attitude toward People. Jesus says “Stop judging…”
PlayFebruary 20 Fr. Lawrence 5th Sermon on the Mount Our attitude toward “stuff.” Jesus says “Let go of it…”
PlayFebruary 13 Fr. Lawrence 4th Sermon on the Mount The works of piety – prayer, fasting, alms giving…
PlayFebruary 6 Fr. Lawrence 3rd Sermon on the Mount The Law – “The Beatitudes are Obligatory Maximums…”
PlayJanuary 30 Fr. Lawrence 2nd Sermon on the Mount The Torah – “I came not to abolish the law and the prophets, but to fulfill it…”
PlayJanuary 23 Fr. Lawrence 1st Sermon on the Mount An Introduction – the Beatitudes
PlayJanuary 16 Fr. Lawrence 2nd Ordinary John 1:1 “In the beginning was the Word…”
PlayJanuary 2 Fr. Lawrence Epiphany God reveals who Jesus was; so, too, Jesus reveals who God is.