St. Vincent’s is an inner city parish, though most parishioners live in white suburban communities. 2019 and 2020 events highlighted the disparate treatment of black citizens across the country. We meet monthly to discuss what we can do to dismantle the racism that divides us and with the Spirit’s help work for change.
Mission Statement
We Have a Dream: A World Without Racism Group works to eliminate racist biases, structures and systems in our community in order to create an equitable society in our city and state. Through Christian discipleship we commit to
- Educate one another about our biases, the history of racism in our country, and ongoing disparities,
- Advocate for legislation that promotes equity, and
- Grow a racial equity fund to support people and projects in African American neighborhoods.

It was horrifying to learn that Hitler modeled his extinction of the Jewish people after how the United States managed its marginalized groups and guarded its ruling white power. We acknowledge that hundreds of years of black oppression led to white comfort.
Meeting Summaries, Recordings and Witness Statements
Donate to St. V’s Racial Equity Fund.
Please make your check payable to “St. Vincent de Paul Church,” and put “Racial Equity Fund” in the memo section. Mail to St. Vincent de Paul Church, 120 N. Front St., Baltimore, MD 21202
We partner with and support the work of South Baltimore Community Land Trust (SBCLT), whose mission aligns with ours. Their vision is to offer quality affordable housing in communities free of environmental injustice. They transform vacant buildings into community owned assets, transitioning them in the process to a regenerative zero waste system in Cherry Hill and Curtis Bay. They develop affordable housing units without displacement and with state of the art environmental qualifications, providing financial literacy and homeownership classes. We established St. Vincent’s Racial Equity Fund to help SBCLT fulfill their mission.
Contact Us: To get more involved or for additional information, please contact:
Peggy Meyer, or Skipp Sanders,