Category Archives: Uncategorized

Vigil 2017 Hour Three: The Exodus

Reflections on the Exodus    Dennis Moore Let’s carefully consider the means or cause that God used to deliver Israel from destruction and how that relates to our deliverance from sin. Ultimately, it says freedom is most important then as well  more…

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St. V’s Easter Vigil 2017

St. Vincent’s all night Easter Vigil is a beautiful liturgy. All are welcome, yet many cannot partake. As John Chrysostom, in his fourth century Easter sermon, explained, when it comes to attendance at the Easter Vigil: If any have labored  more…

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Vigil 2017 Hour Two: Patriarchs and Matriarchs

Abraham & Melchizadek, Preparing the Way for Christ Brenda Wolf Smith The Amidah: Adonai   s’fatai  tiftach,   ufi    yagid   t’hilatecha. Baruch atah   Adonai,  Eloheinu   veilohei     avoteinu,   Elohei   Avraham,   E-lohei Yitzchak,  Veilohei   Yaakov,   Haeil    HaGadol    HaGibor   v’HaNorah,   Eil Elyon,     gomeil   chasadim   tovim,  more…

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Vigil 2017 Hour One: Creation

God’s Extravagant Creation Jack L. B. Gohn    Genesis 1: 1 – 2: 2      When God began to create heaven and earth—the earth being unformed and void, with darkness over the surface of the deep and a wind  more…

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Voices of the Laity: Lent 2017

Who Am I? Audrey Rogers   March 8, 2017 Matthew 4:1-11 At that time Jesus was led by the Spirit into the desert to be tempted by the devil. He fasted for forty days and forty nights, and afterwards he  more…

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Holy Week and Easter

Join us this year for Holy Week and Easter, as we continue to be meditate on our Lenten theme  “Called to the Work of God.” We begin our celebration on Saturday, April 5, 2017, with our all-night Easter Vigil. At  more…

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Wednesday, April 12, 2017, 7:30 PM Tenebrae, meaning shadows, is a centuries-old custom of publicly singing part of the Divine Office during Holy Week. At our service, a triangular stand holds fifteen candles that are extinguished one by one after  more…

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St. V Joins One Water Partnership

Through this program by Interfaith Partners for the Chesapeake (IPC), St. V will join with other congregations in the Jones Falls Watershed to help protect our waterways and delve more deeply into our work of caring for creation. In this  more…

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St. Vincent’s 14th Pastor Named

Dear St. V’s Community, This afternoon, I met with Fr. Ray Chase in his office at the Catholic Center. He is to be appointed as Pastor of St. Vincent’s effective April 1.  I received the news on Monday evening, then spoke with Fr.  more…

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Thank You Fr. Dick, Thank You St. V

Sunday was, as our Pastoral Associate Colleen McCahill put it, a “beautiful and bittersweet” day as we honored our pastor of 43 years on the eve of his retirement. We celebrated more than just one man; we celebrated ourselves as  more…

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Wednesday Night Lenten Series

In the Archdiocesan survey of a year ago, many parishioners said we wish we had more chances to practice contemplative prayer. To that end, on Wednesday evenings in Lent we will have three Scripture and Prayer services for contemplation and  more…

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Lenten Retreat at St. V

Register now for our half-day Lenten retreat on Saturday, March 18. Its theme, “Called to be Light in the Darkness,” ties in with our banner outside the church and with our theme for Lent “Called to Do God’s Work.” Parishioners  more…

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From the Pastor

Dear Family of St. Vincent de Paul, I am grateful for your assurance of prayer for my continuing recovery. And it is continuing: I am getting a little stronger every day and I fully expect to be well enough to  more…

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Congratulations, Jack Schmidt!

Our parishioner, Jack, will be honored at the 32nd Annual Baltimore Archdiocesan Social Ministry Convocation on Saturday, March 5 for his  volunteer work. Jack’s work in the the service ministries at St. V is not only extensive, but it is  more…

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Lent 2017: Called to Do God’s Work

Lenten Schedule of Services and Events More details about all events here. March 1, Ash Wednesday 12 PM, 7:30 PM – Mass and marking with ashes March 8, Voices of the Laity: Reflecting on Our Call, 7:30 PM – “Who  more…

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Fr. Dick to Retire This Month

At the end of this month, Fr. Richard Lawrence will retire after 43 years as the beloved pastor of St. Vincent. He will celebrate one last Mass as pastor on Sunday, February 26 at 10:30 AM. (There will only be  more…

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Coming Up

Going on at St. V: Lenten Retreat – Saturday, March 18  – Our theme for the half-day retreat, “Called to be Light in the Darkness,” ties in with both our banner outside the church and with our theme for Lent  more…

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Shine On

Fitting these words on our banner (above) on the back of St. Vincent took some clever design work. For a sign meant to be read while waiting at stoplight 20 yards away, 13 words might as well be a James  more…

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Christ Remains Present

Fr. George Witt, SJ, presided at St. Vincent on Epiphany Sunday. His homily spoke of these words of John in the light of the political situation 2,000 years ago and then challenged us to apply them to our lives. “The  more…

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Make Your Own Advent Wreath

On the first Sunday of Advent, Nov. 27, we will have an Advent wreath-making session between the 9:30 and 11:45 Masses. St. V provides the supplies and some guidance. You bring your own creativity. Go home with a handmade wreath.  more…

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