Author Archives: Editor 01
Welcome to St. Vincent de Paul Church!
Friends, Archbishop Lori issued a “Decree of Merger” that the parish of St. Vincent de Paul will merge into the parish of St Leo the Great. St. Leo & St. Vincent’s interparish committee continues to meet, to help our communities more…
A Synodal Church in Mission
Click to download and read the Synthesis Report (Oct. 2023) from the first session of the Synod on Synodality Read and share the USCCB National Synthesis of the People of God Click on the image below to read St. V’s more…
Mission and Vision of St. Vincent de Paul Church
Click to read our parish Mission and Vision Statements.
What does Christian Nationalism mean?
In their memory
This beautiful votive candle-holder was made by young artisans at the South Baltimore Community Land Trust, which organization works for development without displacement. In our prayer alcove, the parish keeps this perpetual light beside the names of those who have more…
Click above to make a donation to St. Vincent’s Parish (#1406 – use the drop-down menu) through GiveCentral. Please use the “notes” field to indicate whether your gift is for regular Offertory, for Donations General (to support the missional life more…
All are welcome: come as you are!
To My Fellow Pilgrims
From the Pastor Reflections on our Covid-imposed pilgrimage and journey. If we see and experience this time as a pilgrimage, there are some things to be on the lookout for and be mindful of.Read the rest of Pastor Ray Chase’s more…
Parish E-Newsletter
Click on the image below to sign up to receive “This Week @ St Vincent” — the weekly e-newsletter that tells about the worship, service and advocacy work, life, and prayers of the parish. VIEW ARCHIVE OF RECENT PARISH E-NEWSLETTERS
E-Newsletter Sign-Up
Sign up for our weekly e-newsletter! Weekly issues feature news about St. Vincent, communications from staff, events at the parish, a Prayer-Poem from Fr. Ray, and the readings and preparation for the upcoming Sunday. If you wish to receive “This more…
Bishop Madden’s Prayer Walks
One evening a month at different parishes around the city, parishioners from St. Vincent’s (typically Peggy Meyer, Mary Laukaitis, Louise Gregg, and myself, and including at various times Joe and Peggy Cronyn, Anne Maura English, Denny and Rita McMullin, Sue more…
St. Ignatius Catholic Community
The responses of the St Ignatius Parish Community are actions of their Justice and Peace Committees and the committee named “The Women of the New Testament Ministry.” They have issued this press release sent out from Candra V. Healy Chair more…
St. Vincent’s Response to the Need for Church Reform
The parishioners of St. Vincent’s share a deep concern over the crises of abuse and lack of accountability in the Church, and the culture that contributed to this terrible situation. Committed to healing, justice, and peace, we call for, and more…
St. Vincent’s Response to the Crisis in the Church 2018
ST. VINCENT’S AD HOC COMMITTEE ON CHURCH REFORM 2018Committee MembersJim Casey, ChairpersonAl Reichelt, Colleen McCahill, Maureen Daly, Pat Ball, Ray Heil, Pastor Ray Chase, Geri Fialkowski, Geri Sicola, and Amber Hendricks (ex officio member as President of Parish Council) Committee Meetings more…
What Must Happen by James Martin, SJ
What-Must-Happen James Martin
Church Reform Primary Source Documents
St Vincent De Paul Church Committee on Church Reform Primary Source Documentation Primary Source Documents which may help contribute to a better understanding of many areas of influence that led to the Child Abuse Crisis along with what might be done more…
Pastoral Theology for a Post-Modern World: The Pastoral Theology of Pope Francis
Following is the text of a speech delivered by San Diego Bishop Robert McElroy at the 2018 assembly of the Association of U.S. Catholic Priests meeting in Albuquerque June 25-27, 2018. Reprinted with permission. We are living in a wonderful more…
Baltimore’s Homeless Jesus to Rest Among Those Experiencing Homelessness
The life-sized bronze statue by Ontario artist Timothy Schmalz, which can be found in more than 60 cities across the globe including the Vatican, will be installed on the grounds of St. Vincent. In other cities, the statue has been more…
St. Vincent de Paul Church Annual Parish Retreat
Friday, May 11 to Sunday, May 13 The Prayer Life of Jesus and Centering Prayer This year we will deepen our spiritual lives by seeing how Jesus lived and how he calls us to follow his lead with Centering Prayer. more…