What Happens at a Pastor’s Installation?

We hope all members of the parish will join us as Archbishop Lori presides at this special Mass on Aug. 20 at 10 AM. This is an interactive event, and more than simply a ceremony between the archbishop and the pastor. The community of St. Vincent is called upon to welcome the new pastor, even as he pledges to seek its guidance.

During the Mass, Archbishop Lori presents the parish staff, parish council and the corporators of the parish to Fr. Ray, who agrees to work in a spirit of mutual trust and attentiveness, and to seek their counsel in the pastoral care of the parish. Fr. Ray then renews the oath of fidelity he took at his ordination and leads us in the Nicene Creed. When Mass is over we will gather in fellowship, with cake to supplement our “something sweet to nibble on.”

Order of the Installation

  • Reading of the Gospel
  • Presentation of the Pastor to the Congregation
  • Homily by Archbishop Lori
  • Presentation of Staff
  • Presentation of Parish Council
  • Presentation of Corporators
  • Nicene Creed
  • Oath of Fidelity
  • Universal Prayer
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