St. V’s Easter Vigil 2017

St. Vincent’s all night Easter Vigil is a beautiful liturgy. All are welcome, yet many cannot partake. As John Chrysostom, in his fourth century Easter sermon, explained, when it comes to attendance at the Easter Vigil:

If any have labored from the first hour,
Let them receive today their just reward.
If any have come after the third hour,
Let them now be thankful that the feast is at hand,
If any have waited until after the sixth hour,
Let them not be anxious, no loss shall be their own.
If any have tarried until the ninth hour,
Let them draw near also, shedding all their doubts.
If any have come only after the eleventh hour,
Let them not be fearful because of their delay.
For the Master is bountiful
and receives the last even as the first.

And today we have the internet for those unable to join us for any part of the the night. See the texts of the Vigil Reflections below:


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