Congratulations, Jack Schmidt!

Our parishioner, Jack, will be honored at the 32nd Annual Baltimore Archdiocesan Social Ministry Convocation on Saturday, March 5 for his  volunteer work.

Jack’s work in the the service ministries at St. V is not only extensive, but it is always done with good cheer and kindness. He participates in his ministries with a smile and good word for those he encounters, contributing to the building up of the Body of Christ and advancing the causes of peace and justice. 

He is an active member of Social Action (SAC), Peace & Justice (P&J) and the Education and Enrichment Committees, where he has organized the Lenten Retreat several years in a row. He pitches in numerous SAC and P&J activitie,s such as  neighborhood clean-ups or Pax Christi events.

Jack picks up donated furniture The Resource Exchange, for our ministry to furnish the homes of people once homeless, and is on one of the move teams to deliver furniture. He attends the Jonestown Planning Council meetings to support our involvement in the neighborhood.

He is a fixture on Friday nights at “Breaking Bread With the Hungry” and helps in so many ways: giving financial donations to Friday meals for  meatballs, snack bars, water, sandwich supplies; driving monthly to and from Our Lady of the Fields to transport all the food to St. V and containers back to OLF; and making sandwiches monthly. But more than all the tasks he performs at dinner, he has a small group of volunteers who go to him for counsel whom he supports in many ways. He always says a genuine “God Bless You” to diners as they return their trays. If he’s not needed inside, he sometimes goes outside to chat with diners in line.

The convocation is at Seton Keough High School (1201 Caton Ave., Baltimore 21227) from 8:15 AM to 3 PM. The theme is racial and economic justice with the keynote speaker Fr. John Donahue. There will be 11 workshops. The $10 registration fee includes lunch for those who pre-register. If interested in attending, contact Codie Perry at

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