Why are we changing course from the Pastoral Life Director (PLD) model previously outlined?
Archbishop Lori has asked Fr. Lawrence to stay on as pastor. However, he has given Father permission to move out of the rectory and reduce his hours. Pastoral Associate Chris McCullough will continue in his current responsibilities, while also taking on additional responsibilities that were previously Father’s.
Why is Father moving, if he is remaining the pastor?
Moving out will ease the transition of responsibilities between Father and Chris and allow for new usage of facilities. The Archbishop feels it is a healthy situation for the pastor not to live on site and blessed Fr. Dick’s plan to move to a new residence.
Where and when is Father moving?
Fr. Dick is moving to a condominium within the canonical boundaries of the parish. Father’s anticipated move date is July 1, 2013.
What new responsibilities will Chris take on?
For the past two years, Chris has worked with parishioners in the development of education programs and liturgies as well as taking on managerial, facilities-related and administrative duties. He will continue and expand this role. After July 1, Chris will be responsible for all needs or issues that arise Mondays through Thursdays. However, if something requires the attention of the pastor during this time, he will be notified.
What responsibilities will Father retain?
As pastor, Father’s responsibilities will be largely sacramental but he will remain active in parish life. He and Chris have worked together for two years in a collaborative fashion; they will continue this relationship, especially as they work with the Parish Council to lead St. Vincent’s community. Fr. Dick will celebrate Mass on weekends, Holy Days and some weekdays and conduct sacramental preparation.
What will Father’s hours be at St. Vincent?
Father will be onsite at St. Vincent Fridays through Sundays from afternoon until evening.
How will facilities usage change?
Because Fr. Canterna will remain living in the rectory, part of it will remain residential. However, the rectory will over time transition to more of a parish center with more area devoted to office or programming space.
What other staffing changes are happening now and are anticipated in the future?
Barbara Hodnett will retire from her duties as parish administrator at the end of April, but she will continue to work part time as sacristan and archivist. The parish will hire a part-time administrative/bookkeeping position to replace her. No other staffing changes are planned at this time. However, as the needs of the parish change, Chris is free to reorganize staff.
What happens if Fr. Dick becomes ill and can’t celebrate Mass?
St. Vincent is part of a downtown cluster of parishes, which include Corpus Christi, St. Ignatius, the Basilica and St. Alphonsus. This cluster is designed, in part, to deal with the expected shortage of clergy in the coming years. In the event that Father is not able to celebrate Mass, St. Vincent will draw upon the resources of the cluster.
Will the Mass schedule change?
June 30 will be the last midnight Mass. However, all other weekend Mass will remain the same. Weekdays at noon there will be either a Mass or a communion service.