Join us at St. Vincent’s this Sunday!

Dear community of Baltimore and beyond,
We continue in active worship and service. Let us give glory to God in word and deed, as we gather as Christ’s disciples.

Join us: Saturdays at 6 PM for a quieter Mass; Sundays at 10 AM for a larger gathering with choir; and Mon-Thurs at 12 PM for a lunch-hour liturgy.

There is much that may trouble us in world & Church – and much for which to be grateful.
Don’t stay away! Your sisters & brothers hope to see you soon at “St. V” Peace be with you.


St. Vincent’s Sunday 10 AM Mass is live-streamed. Click below to join us from your home-churches on Sunday morning:

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A Synodal Church in Mission

Click to download and read the Synthesis Report (Oct. 2023) from the first session of the Synod on Synodality

Click on the image below to read St. V’s 2022 Parish synodal report:


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Mission and Vision of St. Vincent de Paul Church

Click to read our parish Mission and Vision Statements.

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In their memory

This beautiful votive candle-holder was made by young artisans at the South Baltimore Community Land Trust, which organization works for development without displacement. In our prayer alcove, the parish keeps this perpetual light beside the names of those who have been murdered in Baltimore City. St. Vincent’s, through the efforts of our Racial Equity Group, provides support for the SBCLT.

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Click above to make a donation to St. Vincent’s Parish (#1406 – use the drop-down menu) through GiveCentral. Please use the “notes” field to indicate whether your gift is for regular Offertory, for Donations General (to support the missional life and work of the parish), or restricted to our charitable work for people in need, including those experiencing homelessness.

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Synod 2021-24

Read and share the USCCB National Synthesis of the People of God

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All are welcome: come as you are!

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Parish E-Newsletter

Click on the image below to sign up to receive “This Week @ St Vincent” — the weekly e-newsletter that tells about the worship, service and advocacy work, life, and prayers of the parish.

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St. Vincent’s Response to the Need for Church Reform

The parishioners of St. Vincent’s share a deep concern over the crises of abuse and lack of accountability in the Church, and the culture that contributed to this terrible situation. Committed to healing, justice, and peace, we call for, and work towards, the ecclesial and social change we so greatly need. The parish Committee for Church Reform works to help to create and sustain meaningful change in the power dynamics and the structure of the Church and the restoration and healing necessary due to the sexual abuse of children by priests and its cover-up.

Child Protection Protocols Followed at St. Vincent’s
St. Vincent’s parish follows all protocols as set forth by the Archdiocese of Baltimore’s Office of Child and Youth Protection for the protection of children. Click above to read more.

Source Documents compiled by St. Vincent’s CCR in 2018 and 2019 on the topics of Church reform and the abuse of children and vulnerable people within the Church.

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